Series 13 — Italia by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, a Year in Photographs, takes me further into Italy. While these photos actually overlap two series of this project, I could not let these not be part. In fact, several of my Italy photos cross multiple themes of this series, Neon Lights, for example, and also Geometry and Explorer.

I enjoy simply exploring my environment and these photos are just a small portion of the images created from this excursion to Lucca, Florence, Livorno, and Pisa.

Series 14, coming soon.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day by Adrian Galli

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. It is something many of us take for granted but there are so many who don’t Those who can not see, walk, talk, hear, and some disabilities that are not as easy to identify, live everyday in a world slightly different.

Having worked at Apple for nearly sixteen years now, one thing that still stands out to me about what we do is in support of those who are occasionally forgotten. Apple’s products may sell to the masses with little difficulty but we are also keenly aware that our products are for everyone. Every iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, Apple TV, and all have a massively powerful set of accessibility features implemented into them.

While I was a trainer, some of my favorite people to work with were those with disabilities. They had incredibly stories, interesting perspectives, and were some of the most appreciative people—not only of the fact that they could come to Apple and receive training but the world of new opportunities a device like iPhone afforded them.

And from that, on today, Global Accessibility Awareness Day, I share one of my favorite films Apple has released to date.

Join me and my team today at Apple Michigan Avenue for a special event exploring the world of sound as lead by Andy Slater. Music Walk: In Search of Audible Magic with Andy Slater.

Adrian’s Life Rule #74: Accessible design is good design.

Series 12 — Cinema De’ Medici by Adrian Galli

Project Kr, a Year in Photographs, I ended up in Italy visiting my father in Lucca. During my visit I had the opportunity to put my cinematic eye to photographing a special house of the Medici family.

Black and white, a feel for the turn of the last century, 1930’s cinema, and a 23mm focal length. Shot on FujiFilm and processed on iPad Pro using Pixelmator Photo.

Coming soon, Series 13.