American Express Green Card / by Adrian Galli

Image courtesy of American Express

Ah yes, the classic, the iconic, the original American Express Card. Now known as the Green card, it is the quintessential Amex but sadly isn’t held in as high esteem as its pricier brethren. However, the Green card is, in my opinion, a very underrated card and, for the annual fee of $150, one of the best.

This is my original Amex, too, and a story I like to tell.

In 2007, a younger Adrian got his first charge card and changed his financial life. Not only was he fascinate with credit and charge cards alike, American Express was more than just “another bank.” There was a touch of prestige, a great history to the company, and valuable financial services that came along with it. 

A good portion of all purchases made by Adrian went through his Green card. Everything from camera equipment to travel, cell phone bills and groceries, if the merchant took American Express, it was likely the card he used.

Three hundred thousand points later, Adrian has since evolved his Amex spending to a Gold and Platinum card but he will reminisce about the Green card as “something missing” from his wallet.

Switching away from the third person, I do actually miss my Green card. Perhaps it was because it was my first charge card (they aren’t technically charge cards anymore) but it is also a great card to have. The account still exists since 2007 but I have upgraded it to the Gold card.

If you hop into a room with a bunch of credit card aficionados, many will tell you how “bad” or “unappealing” the Green card is but I disagree. It has some of the broader rewards with 3x points on a lot of every day spending and travel—travel being so broad that it can be said that if you don’t own it and it has wheels, wings, or a bed, you probably get 3x points.

I can go through all the point earning, offers, and more, but the American Express has a website for that. I’d rather give you the context of why it is valuable as a broad urban living, travel, young professional’s card.

Story time… you’re going on a week long trip to Denver. You are flying, staying in an AirBnB, will mostly be eating out, and taking transit or ride shares. There will be other purchases and spending along the way but let’s look at the broad categories and use some nice round numbers.

The Trip
Flight: $500
Lodging: $1400 ($200/night)
Dining: $350
Transit: $200

The Points
Green: 3x on all categories
Gold: 3x flights, 1x lodging, 4x dining, 1x transit (but $10 credit for Uber)
Platinum: 5x flights, 1x lodging (AirBnB, 1x dining, 1x transit ($15 for Uber)

Category Green Card Gold Card Platinum Card
Flight 1500 1500 2500
Lodging 4200 1400 1400
Dining 1050 1400 350
Transit 600 200 200
Total 7350 4500 4450

Wow! Didn't expect that!

This is just one example and is a very Millennial travel itinerary with AirBnB and all. If you were to stay at a hotel like Hilton, you can add 5600 points to the Platinum Card (5x on hotels) and might also have a couple hundred dollars in hotel credits too but the value for someone who isn’t using the “traditional” lodging option of AirBnB is clear.

Once back home, the Green card can definitely be valuable for most purchases. The Gold card has an advantage with 4x on dining and grocery stores, but the Green would still win over the revered Platinum Card.

The point isn’t to shoot down other cards. As will all things, “the right tool for the right job” would be the mantra and the Green card might be the right card for many. I mostly use my Platinum card for everything except groceries and dining (Gold card) but that also means I have to work with two cards. Having one single every day card that covers most things well sounds really a lot easier.

If one isn’t the kinda to play the “chasing points game,” and having a different card optimized for each category of spending is too much trouble, with only $150 annual membership fee, the Green card’s power and simplicity is a great choice.

I no longer have my Green card but if it sounds like the right card for you, check out the link below. Some pretty good signup bonuses right not. Worth the spend.

Also, don’t forget to Shop Small.