
Keep Using Periods, Learn to Assume Positve Intent by Adrian Galli

For years, probably decades, people have been discussing the fact that a period in a text message (iMessage, Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messaenger, etc.) suggests the one you're messaging is mad. There have been articles in the New York Times, Washington Post, Gizmodo, and many other publications surrounding this phenomenon; they've all stuck me as odd. 

While looking through my messages, many of my friends and colleagues, and not just Millenials but ages ranges from 20's to 50's, don't use periods. I still do. Mostly because I'm particular about accuracy, I like proper spelling, punctuation, and such. 

While I may be in the minority concerning periods, I rarely assume someone is mad because of a period. The context of the conversation, as with so many thing, is very important. And equally important, as anyone who knows me will attest, sometimes my disagreement with someone is simply because their argument is not valid.

I will commonly say, "I don't disagree with your conclusion, I disagree with your supporting argument." Or sometimes the argument is sound but the conclusion is not. In the case of the period, I disagree with both because it is your own internal struggle causing the miscommunication rather than then act of someone using a period.  

An old rule I have come to appreciate greatly is 'assume positive intent.' The philosophy behind that statement is most people are good and try to do good things. In other words, innocent until proven guilty. It is a guiding principle of an organization I work for and has served us well for decades. 

From Washington Post: 

Parent: I am waiting for you in the car.

Child: r u mad?

Parent: I am not mad.

Parent: I am telling you I am waiting.

Child: what?????
— Juff Guo, Washington Post

The child assumes the parent is mad. We don't have the whole conversation or context in which this was messaged so it is harder to argue either point. But I can safely say there are other things more glaring than periods that could be interpreted as hostility. For example, the formal text 'I am' versus 'I'm' could be cause for concern. Even with the formal sound of the parent, I would suggest not being overly concerned with the period at the end. 

I tend to use emoji in texts to clarify messages. If we ere to have a face to face conversation, you would pick up on my mood much more easily partly because of tone and facial expressions/body language. The former is hard to convey in a message but the later, through an emoji or two, can greatly enhance the conversation. 

Without a psychologist or sociologist weighing in on the method to our messaging madness, the assumption of negativity in a text from a mere punctuation mark speaks more to our overall sociological state rather than the actual mean of a period which is "end statement." Assuming a person is made is no you, not the peson using the period. If you're messaging me and I am mad, you'll have little doubt in your mind. 

I'm going to keep using periods in my messages and emails but should you be messaging me, know that every single thing I say is not out of anger. That would be a false assumption of epic proportion. Learn to assume positive intent and I really think you'll find the people in your life are much kinder than the period in their text suggests. 

Interview with Dr. Stan McCracken by Adrian Galli

Dr. Stan McCracken

Dr. Stan McCracken

Documentary-style filming and photography are always a joy to shoot. I would be an explorer should my creative genes not gotten the better of me. But my explorer genes could not help but be expressed. Cinema and photography are two mediums which one can easily explore any topic. If an adventure to Patagonia is one's desire, make a film about it and go. If one's dream is to explore the beauty of culinary arts, a photographic documentary is a perfect channel. 

Friend and colleague, Hart Ginsburg, whom I have been working with on several short films, invited me to photograph notable psychologist, Dr. Stan McCracken. Besides having a super-awesome name, his "blue collar" (as he calls it) style of psychiatry is deceptively titled.

Originally intending to be a biological oceanographer, his life took him in a different direction receiving a bachelors degree in English and Asian Studies. The Vietnam War and the draft brought him to enlist in the armed security agency and was assigned a to not his interests in Japanese but Vietnamese. 

This excursion into a world both unknown, and perhaps at the time unwelcome, lead him to knowing the work of Carl Jung and his introduction to psychology and social services.

Lapsang souchung

Lapsang souchung

Listening to his methodology, he simple and practical process make psychology less cerebral and more common. A quote from a mentor of his, "If a woman is out in the cold with no coat, don't ask her how she feels about being cold. Get her a coat," gives a glimpse to his insight into the human psyche.

Sipping on lapsang souchung tea with hints of lavender, he told stories of his beginnings as a PhD, success, defeat, and the psychological and social impact this election has caused. A cozy and warm office decorated with artifacts from both East and West, his charm was only matched by his incredible knowledge he shared. 

Always honored to meet influential people, I'm excited to share from our engaging interview and more to come when the article is published. In the mean time, enjoy a few images from our shoot. 

Resist by Adrian Galli

Chicago, Inauguration Day 2017

Chicago, Inauguration Day 2017

Inauguration Day, 2017, people all around the world take to the streets to protest what many have called a lunatic who was voted into the Office of the President in the United States of America. While he lost the popular vote by nearly 3,000,000 votes to Hillary Clinton, he took the Oath of the Office of the President today.

Love and Mercy – Gazelle Twins

Chicago's response to the new president taking power; take to the streets in the greatest Chicago tradition.

Chicago Inauguration Day Protests – 2017

Yesterday, I honored my American heritage and my President. Today, I fear a dark cloud looms over my country. So much progress has been made over the past eight years with former President Barack Obama.

For those who know me, I am not one to idolize. I never gush over a celebrity, politician, or other famous person. Nor will I start a life of idolism now, however, over the past decade, Barack Obama has greatly earned my respect and I honor his valor, decorum, decency, leadership, and integrity.

Years ago, I heard a speech during the election season; the Senate race for Illinois. A young Obama spoke with such grace that, within minutes, I had decided he would get my vote. My friends and colleagues will tell you my instant intuition and judgement of others is granite; solid and true.

When Obama announced his running for the Office of the President, their was no question I would vote for him. While I know many of my readers may disagree with me, I do not make these assertions with my mind or heart. It is a visceral decision like a thousand generations of my ancestors speaking to me.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Former President Barack Obama, you will be missed and should you find yourself reading this, I thank you, personally, for leading this country with honor and distinction.

Dedicated to former President Barack Hussein Obama.