
A Year in Photographs 2023 — A Journey's End by Adrian Galli

A Year in Photographs

365 Days, 12 Themes, 1 Creative Journey

Museo Soumaya — Day 98

I started writing this entry with some grand idea that there was a lot to say, stories to tell, and great insight I learned. While I do have many stories, evolved creatively, pushed myself hard to achieve this tremendous goal, and want to share so much of my journey, I didn’t find that I could completely convey what #AYearinPhotographs has meant to me nor engage it all in just a few paragraphs.

Instead, I intend to keep this short because, perhaps, minimalism is a certain type of valor. A photograph every day for a year is an undertaking. One sets out, like every journey, with the first footstep and from there, the Universe leads one on. Simply put, it is a lot of work. Sometimes hours spent crafting one photo—it is easy, and it is hard. One is excited to do it and one will be tired.

Then it is all over and there is pride, sadness, love, and even bewilderment. And it is absolutely something that I recommend everyone should do—whether it be photography, writing, music, art, cooking, fitness, or whatever your passion may be. Do it. Journal it. Blog it. Share it.

It is a wave that washes over you and you’ll either ride it great distances or it will stay your feet, and you will be left behind. It is a commitment that if you hesitate for merely a day, you can never draw level. But when you reach the end of every day, every week, month, and the year, you have an accomplishment that only those who have traveled this path can truly appreciate.

Over 11,000 photos, 365 days, 12 themes, thousands of kilometers, two continents, four countries, and one singularly fantastic camera later, #AYearinPhotographs comes to close.

Here’s to the journey’s beginning, the path, the light, the shadow, and to the journey’s end.

Until next time.

A Year in Photographs 2023

Go out and shoot!
— Adrian’s Life Rule #56


Shot on FujiFilm X-T5

April — A Year in Photographs — Architecture by Adrian Galli

The Rookery Building — Day 103

Architecture bring together two of my favorite subjects: geometry and design. Of all of human kinds achievements, without architecture, we would still be living in caves, huddled around fires, and at the mercy of nature. Not only have we found ways to survive in every climate of the world through out creations of building but brought one of humanity most noble qualities, art and design to what otherwise would simply be function.

Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.
— Frank Gehry

Chicago is one of the architectural capitals of the world and I could not have been more excited living here this month for this theme but I was also fortunate to spend a week in Mexico City which has an incredible list of buildings, both ancient and modern, worthy of being captured in photographs.

With only thirty days in April, it was a challenge to decide which photograph each day to feature — there are so many that have not been shared. In Chicago alone, I’ve only scratched the surface of architectural beauty, not to mention Mexico City. I could photograph either city all year long and never find all the treasure.

No doubt I will continue photographing architecture throughout the year but enjoy this months series of external, internal, and architectural detail photographs.

If you find yourself in Chicago, visit my curated Chicago architecture guide in Apple Maps featuring the locations of all Chicago buildings photographed in this series and many forgotten or hidden gems not commonly showcased.

Shot on FujiFilm X-T5

Italy 2023 — Color by Adrian Galli

Continuing the journey through Italy, Lucca, Pisa, Firenze, are some places I ventured. And, while black and white photography is usually a favorite, some images are best in color.