
Continuing Creativity During a Crisis by Adrian Galli

Wave 2

Wave 2

Here in Chicago, many of us are staying at home, working from home, or self quarantining. While I’m definitely an INTJ personality and can spend days without any other human contact, my creativity makes me restless should I not be able to exercise it. 

Creativity can not rest nor can a photographer escape his nature. I went out to see some of the normally busy locations in Chicago. No, I did not come in contact with anyone, and, no, I did not put anyone at risk (or myself) but avoided transportation and groups of people—there were only a handful of people out.

I was supposed to be in California for a few months and was excited about the prospects of Geometry continuing in a different city but, for the time being, I’m still here in Chicago. There are more images to come of the lonely Chicago Loop but wanted to inspire those who are at home—don’t let the crisis stifle your creativity.

Pick up a new hobby. Refine one that you already love. A photographer can do so much inside. If you have a speedlight, learn more about it. If you have a macro lens, take photos of everything small in your home. I am not recommending heading outside, especially those in lockdown areas as that could get your in legal trouble, but the time I did go outside, I added to my Geometry series with Wave 2. 

My next goal will take me through some more macro photography and revisit a couple of project from last year. 

Stay creative, friends!

Geometry at the Museum of Contemporary Photography by Adrian Galli

Wave, Chicago 2015

Wave, Chicago 2015

I’m excited to announce that some of my photography will be on loan to the Museum of Contemporary Photography for the next three years.  

My ongoing Geometry series exemplifies the unique nature of light and shadow and its interaction with characteristics of architecture shown in extremely high contrast black and white. Fifteen of my personal picks will be shared at various times with the public—specifically Chicago-centric architecture 

See Geometry here or coming soon to the Museum of Contemporary Photography.

Waves, Chicago, 2018 by Adrian Galli

While I just posted about my continuation of Geometry and how I was concerned I would run short on structures in Chicago, no sooner did inspiration hit and I took my Nikon D500 + Nikkor 70-200mm ƒ2.8G out to photography a building I’m intimately familiar with. 

A photographer colleague of mine said, “You’re doing some really impressive work. This Geometry series is like you’re taking photos and making them into graphic design.” For the record, and I always stress this because people question it always, there is no Photoshop, Illustrator, vector graphics, etc. Geometry series is minimally processed in Photos on a Mac—it’s all exposure and timing.

Photography is seeing common things differently and capturing one’s vision like no one else can.

Waves, shot on Nikon D500.

Waves, Chicago, 2018

Waves, Chicago, 2018

Dedicated to Michael.